About This Activity
Teens on the Go! Camps are action-packed ... with most days on the go.
Teens enjoy activities such as skating, golfing, swimming, bowling, and more. Field trips may include Jolly Rogers, Busch Gardens, and Water Country. Due to the nature of some field trips and activities, drop-off times may be earlier, and pick-up times may be later, than the times listed.No Camp on July 4th Independence Day.
Age Category
Rolling Knolls ES - Cafeteria at Rolling Knolls ES
Heather Harris
Erika Goodfellow
Lindsay Shaner
Laura Snow
Kim Emig
Ashley Bisesi
Alex Smith
Regina Passalacqua
Crystal Webb
Cherdise Foy
Michelle Semanoff
Carol McClure
Francesca Biagini
Shanita Wilkins
Lauren Lowell
Mandy Baker
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