Rising 2nd graders and up will spend the week mastering a cheerleading routine filled with tumbling, stunting, pyramid building, motions and dance. Themed dress-up days and our popular fitness games will round out each day. ALL skill levels are welcome. Special activities include: • Parent Cheer Routine Presentation, Friday 3:30pm Important Reminders: * There is a $75/week non-refundable deposit required at the time of registration. * Balance payments will be due 35 days prior to camp week and are considered non-refundable. * Before-care (7:30am - 9:00am) is offered for an additional $20/week when reserved in advance. * After-care (4:00pm - 6:30pm) is offered for an additional $30/week when reserved in advance. * A 10% sibling discount is offered on your second child when children are enrolled in the same camp week and paid for in the same transaction (same checkout cart), no exceptions. * ALL DEPOSITS AND PAYMENTS ARE CONSIDERED NON-REFUNDABLE / NON-TRANSFERABLE. * Registrations are accepted on a first-come basis. Once a camp fills, you may register on our wait-list. If a spot opens, we will contact you.
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