10 sessions x 1 Hour Wednesday - March 5, 12, 19, 26 | April 2, 16, 23, 30 | May 7, 14 This course is a fun and engaging after-school library reading hour designed to spark a love for reading in our youngest students. The program features a variety of materials, ranging from picture books to simple text, allowing children to explore characters, plots, and dialogue in an interactive way. Children also get an opportunity to stretch their limbs, move their muscles, and engage in kinesthetic activities. The teacher engages every student in the weekly theme, reading various genres, from exploring all four seasons and gardening to rainbows and colors and celebrating firndship and kindness. After each story, students participate in discussions and creative activities like coloring and learning new vocabulary. They also move and interact with the story through physical activities, helping to reinforce learning. Our curriculum is designed to meet the individual needs of young learners, fostering a deeper understanding of how stories shape thoughts, values, and emotions while encouraging a love of reading. This course combines both mind and body experiences. Read and Swing Aloud will empower your student to: - Develop a love for reading as a source of entertainment and learning through mind and movement. - Strengthen comprehension, critical thinking, and communication skills through hands-on activities. - Gain a deeper understanding of how stories influence their world through mental and physical interpretation. Note: We love to keep parents updated on the class progress. We have established three key communication points: a teacher introduction to start the semester, a midpoint update featuring progress and activity photos, and a final email summarizing the semester’s achievements.
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