Whether your limb-different child is looking for an introduction to mainstream sports or is hoping to become an elite athlete, there is a place for them at one of our one of our camps or outdoor experiences. And, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and donors, NubAbility is able to provide scholarships to children who would otherwise be unable to attend due to registration costs. This scholarship covers registration fees for a limb-different child and one parent to attend one of our camps. Eligible children include those with congenital limb difference, traumatic or medical amputation, frozen limb or highly mobile cerebral palsy. Children must be between the ages of 4-17 at the time of camp attendance. Registration fee scholarships are always granted to eligible campers upon request and there is no limit to the number of registration fee scholarships you may use in a year. We want your child at camp! For other NubAbility scholarship opportunities, please visit the "Camps" section on our website, nubability.org. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (618) 357-1394 or email info@nubability.org.
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