Private Swim Lessons
Jan 12 - Mar 02 (Sunday)
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Ages 3-255 · Co-Ed
Roger Carter Community Center
Private Swim Lessons
Jan 12 - Mar 02 (Sunday)
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Ages 3-255 · Co-Ed
Roger Carter Community Center
Starting at
Semi Private Swim Lessons
Jan 12 - Mar 02 (Sunday)
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Ages 3-255 · Co-Ed
Roger Carter Community Center
Starting at
About This Activity
Each lesson lasts 30 minutes and is customized to fit individual needs and swimming abilities. Private lessons include one participant to one instructor; semi-private lessons include up to three participants to one instructor. Semi-private lessons participants must be of similar age and ability. Lessons are not transferable. Registration is first-come, first-served. When registration for the season opens, your enrollment secures you a seat for the session, then the program coordinator will reach out to you with our instructor's availability, match you with an instructor and confirm your class schedule for the session. Info: Justin Smith, 410-313-2765 or jcsmith@howardcountymd,gov |
Parents are required to check in their child each class and remain in the pool area for the duration of the class. Drop off is not permitted for participants under the age of 16. Participants MAY NOT enter the water without Instructor present.Note: A skill evaluation will be conducted on the first day of class to ensure all participants meet the pre-requisites of the class.In case of inclement weather (thunder/lightning/snow), please call (410) 313-2764 and ask a front desk representative the status of your lesson.No individual make-up lessons and/or refunds are given for missed classes. Only register for sessions that you are available for. Please reach out in ADVANCE with any withdrawal (refund) requests.
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