Thanks to your Principal Hughes and Mrs. Harman our program is being offered at ZERO Cost to the first 50 students to register. Once you register your child you will receive a confirmation email. PLEASE read it! All parents MUST complete the 3 step REGISTRATION Process. Steps 2 and 3 will be outlined within the confirmation email. By completing it you will ensure that your child will have access to all of what our program has to offer. Your child will not only be invited to take part in our 8 hour (four week in-person) Chess Tutors After School Program from 2:45-3:50 PM, your child will also be invited to compete in our weekly online Battle of the Minds Chess Tournament from 2:30-3:30 PM on Sundays from end of January through top of June (as what you can consider a Bonus opportunity). Chess Tutors is designed to teach students the value of making sound decisions. We are more concerned with developing life masters than chess masters. We use songs, stories and motivational material to invoke emotion and make the learning process enjoyable. Our chess course enhances critical thinking, analytical skills and problem solving abilities in an exciting way. We are the ones who ensure that chess makes the best first impression.
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