5K Running Plan for New Moms

Running Form

The key to efficiently running your race is to have a grasp of proper running form. A lot of energy can be conserved by following a few simple tips:

  1. Proper alignment-Proper alignment is as important when running. This starts with a long spine, shoulders pulled back and down, eyes forward (not down) and a relaxed upper body. Those arms need to swing freely. If pushing a stroller on your runs, remember to swing an arm occasionally.

  2. Relax your jaw, your neck, your fists and your toes. For some reason these muscles, which are not essential running muscles, tighten up on us. Don't waste your energy using muscles that aren't needed.

  3. Your Gait-Simply put, your gait is the way your foot hits the ground and then leaves the ground in a walk or a run. The idea is to land on the heel, roll forward and then "toe off" as your leave the ground. Think of your foot steps as light and swift. Resist pounding down with each step.

  4. Breathe-Something simple as a regular breathing pattern can change you running experience. Think about breathing in with two steps then out with two steps. This simple technique may help spare you those "stitches" in your sides.

Running Injury Prevention

Warm up

A dynamic warm up (movement based) is the best way to "ready" your body for your run. It gets your core temperature up and starts preparing the muscles for what you will be asking them to do in your workout. A simple power walk is a great warm-up for your training runs. Make it about five to eight minutes, and then get on your way.

Cross Training

On your "off" days try to incorporate another type of activity to keep your fitness level up. You will need to keep moving in order for the gains you've made on your runs are not in vain. However, you need to be sure that your take these days off from running. If you only run, you could both burn out and cause injury.

Gradual Progression

One of the biggest reasons people slip out of their training program is that they start out too hard and too fast. Building up your endurance to accomplish a 5K takes time. Follow the progression of this plan and you will be prepared in time.


Be sure to run in the appropriate shoe for your gait and your distance. Getting into the right shoe and replacing them when needed is pivotal towards injury.


You do need some off days. Take one to two days per week where you do not workout. This is to allow for your body to rest and recover.

Post Run Stretch

Take the time to stretch after your runs. This will allow for the muscles to repair and relax. Going on with your day without a stretch could force your muscles to get cold and that's when injury occurs.

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