About This Activity
Rec & Ed offers a USTA accredited youth tennis program for players starting at any age, providing a solid skill set to play this great sport for life. Our program follows the Youth Progression developmental pathway with Red, Orange, Green and Yellow ball progressions (www.netgeneration.com).
Red (Ages: 5-6) Beginner -- 36’ court, Red Ball, Racquet size 19”, 21”, 23”.
Kids get excited to learn their tennis ABC’s (agility, balance, coordination skills), ball tracking, receiving, hitting, and playing fun games! Age-appropriate racquets and balls provided.
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Classes are held outdoors. Please dress appropriately.There is no building access.For weather or facility related cancellations, view our Tennis Calendar and check email.
TAPPAN TENNIS COURTS (3) at Tappan Middle School
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