About This Activity
Players are able to consistently rally and cooperate with a partner. Maintaining proper technique and proficiency on serve is a necessity at this level. Players are encouraged to participate in Junior Team Tennis and/or entry level tournaments to further their development.Instructor: Ted Salter- Certified Teaching Pro thru the ProfessionalTennis Registry (PTR) Location: Fox Hills Tennis Court #1Note(s): Participants must furnish their own racket. Tennis shoes are amust; bring water and children should be capable of following basicinstructions.Participants must furnish their own racket. Tennis shoes are a must; bring water and children should be capable of following basic instructions.
- Tennis for Kids at Fox Hill: Intermediate/Advance Mon
- Tennis for Kids at Fox Hill: Intermediate/Advance Wed
- Tennis for Kids at Fox Hill: Intermediate/advance- Fri
- Tennis for Kids at Fox Hill: Intermediate/Advance- Sat
- Tennis for Kids at Fox Hill: Intermediate/advance- Thu
- Tennis for Kids at Fox Hill: Intermediate/Advance- Tue
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