About This Activity
This activity is closed to further registration.
1. Headfirst entry in compact and stride positions2. Feetfirst surface dive3.Swim underwater4. Tread water, using 2 different kicks5. Survival swimming6. Front crawl for 25 yards7. Elementary backstroke for 25 yards8. Breaststroke for 15 yards9. Back crawl for 15 yards10. Butterfly for 15 yards11. Sidestroke for 15 yards12. Open turns on the front and back13.Flutter and dolphin kicks on back14.Push off in streamlined position on back, then begin kicking15. Learn appropriate safety skills
1. Perform a feetfirst entry into deep water, swim front crawl for 25 yards, change direction and position as necessary, and swim elementary backstroke for 25 yards.2. Swim breaststroke for 15 yards, change direction and position as necessary, and swim back crawl for 15 yards
No goggles for any of the Parent Tot or Pre-K classes.
All cancelations must be submitted in writing one week prior to class registration deadline. No makeup classes are offered for missed lessons unless it is due to pool closure.
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