German language competency required enrolling in DaZ Level 6 – Fall Semester: Understanding: The student should understand expositing and instructional statements made by the teacher in clearly pronounced German. The student should be able to ask about or look up unknown vocabulary. He/she should be able to understand all kinds of questions. Speaking: The student should be able to speak in complete German sentences. He/she should have the ability to fill gaps (missing vocabulary) with gesture or explanation. The student should be able to string together multiple sentences to convey short stories of moderately complex meaning. Reading: The student should be able to read and follow stories of multiple pages and poetry. The student should know how to use a dictionary. He/she should be able to respond to a text and use text citation in arguments. Writing: The student should be able to understand and apply the use of German phonemes (J vs. Y, Sch vs. Sh). He/she should be able to write several paragraphs that make sense, and follow a connected thread of meaning. Grammar: The student should be familiar with genders of nouns and cases.
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