About This Activity
Pee Wee Sports gives the little ones the opportunity to shine! This 4-week program is designed to introduce children to the basic fundamentals of basketball in a non-competitive environment. The age sessions are 3 and 4-5 years old. Fees cover the 4 week program and all class equipment, a program T-shirt and a certificate of participation. Classes must have a minimum of 15 registered participants to avoid cancellation.
Pee Wee Sports gives the little ones the opportunity to shine! This 4-week program is designed to introduce children to the basic fundamentals of basketball in a non-competitive environment. The age sessions are 3 and 4-5 years old. Fees cover the 4 week program and all class equipment, a program T-shirt and a certificate of participation. Classes must have a minimum of 15 registered participants to avoid cancellation.
Activity Secondary Category
Norwalk Arts & Sports Complex
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