The 12 Diet Tips that Helped Me Finally Lose the Weight

Does it ever feel like you've spent most of your adult life on a diet? I know I have, and I'm certainly not alone. For decades longer than I would like to admit, I was on a diet. You name it, I've tried it.

While I experienced initial success with many of the popular programs, the weight loss never lasted. And sadly—each time I failed at dieting—I ended up heavier and more depressed, until one day when I finally said "enough."

Enough of coming up with excuses about why I couldn't do something because of my weight. Enough time wasted on searching desperately for the "quick fix" that was guaranteed to result in rapid weight loss. And most importantly, I said "enough" to the time and emotional energy spent equating my worth with my failure rate at dieting.

In April of 2010, I embarked on a long (and very slow) journey to lose a significant amount of weight. There were no gimmicks or quick fixes. No crash diets or extreme exercise. And definitely no promises that "tomorrow I will start my diet." Just a whole lot of determination and drive to get healthy.

Here are the 12 simple diet and nutrition tips that helped me lose 75 pounds—and keep it off.

About the Author

Sara Lindberg |

Sara Lindberg is a freelance writer focusing on health, wellness, and fitness. She holds a bachelor's degree in exercise science and a master's degree in counseling. Her work has been featured in SELF, Healthline,, Verywell, LIVESTRONG, Headspace, Health, INSIDER, Men's Health, Runner's World, Bicycling Magazine, SheKnows, and Everyday Health among others.
Sara Lindberg is a freelance writer focusing on health, wellness, and fitness. She holds a bachelor's degree in exercise science and a master's degree in counseling. Her work has been featured in SELF, Healthline,, Verywell, LIVESTRONG, Headspace, Health, INSIDER, Men's Health, Runner's World, Bicycling Magazine, SheKnows, and Everyday Health among others.

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