About This Activity
All Parker Recreation leagues are designed to be safe, educational and to create a place for athletes to have fun while building important social skills such as self-confidence, sportsmanship and teamwork. Each participant will play at least half of each game.- All age groups will play 4 versus 4 with a goalie (5 total); girls and boys may play.
- Each team receives one, one-hour practice per week and games on Saturdays.
- Each player is limited to 3 goals per game, individually.
- Checking is NOT permitted.
- Penalty clock is a running clock.
- Score is displayed but standings are not recorded.
- Age is determined by the participant's age on the final date of each season. Players may not play up or down (outside of their age range). For ages that overlap, please choose the best division based on your child's size, skill and previous playing experience.
Registration in all divisions will be open enrollment. Prior to the season we will host an evaluation night with the coaches and players will be distributed evenly amongst teams. No guarantee on coach request or practice day.Equipment Needs: Hockey-specific shin pads, elbow pads, gloves, helmet and full face mask, mouth piece, stick and skates are required for all participants. Jerseys will be provided.
All teams are coached by volunteer coaches. If you are interested in coaching a team, please contact Emily Redgate at eredgate@parkeronline.org.You will hear from your coach five to seven days prior to the season start date.
Game Schedules: www.TeamSideline.com/parkerrec Skip Dates: n/a
Age Category
Youth (6 -18)
Practices and games are held at the Parker Fieldhouse Rink.
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