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Welcome to B.E.S.T.'s Blitz’Em Flag Football, your child’s non-league introduction to Gridiron skills. We provide your children with the B.E.S.T. way to learn touch & flag football without getting sacked. We will coach your children to learn: football terminology, good sportsmanship, passing, receiving, agility, cradling, kicking/ punting, flag/touch, blocking, and defense/offense skills. Please bring a Football! Important B.E.S.T. Class Information: https://best-sports-usa.com/welcomePlease bring an age-appropriate soccer ball for the first week. A hitting tee/bat for baseball and an age-appropriate basketball is needed later in the season. This is the BEST way to Sport!
Activity Category
Israel Beal Park, Riverview Dr, Redlands, CA 92374
Mitchell Goldberg
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