About This Activity
REGISTRATION OPEN UNTIL 3RD DAY OF CLASSTiny Tot: Water AdjustmentAges: 3 years to 5 years Prerequisite: There are no prerequisites for this course. Objective: This introductory class is designed for new participants and will encourage confidence, skill development and fun through water adjustment activities. Participants will remain in this level until they are comfortable in the water and follow directions without tears or cries for parents, and are competent in the skills listed below. Participants must be comfortable performing skills without the use of goggles.Skills: Safety concepts, following directions, being comfortable in the water, entering and exiting pool, opening eyes underwater to pick up object, front and back floats, blowing bubbles, jumping into pool, flutter kicking on front and back, front and back glides, drafting, and arm pulls. Please call the Colina del Sol Pool at (619) 235-1147 with any questions.
Younger children may not progress as quickly as older children because their strength, coordination, and understanding of processes are developed at individual rates. An appropriate swimsuit is required at all times. A parent or responsible adult must remain in the spectator area at all times. Swim diapers are required for children under 4 years old regardless of toilet training.
It is important to enroll your child in the correct class; necessary transfers may result in the change of class days and times. For specific information on class prerequisites or level placement, please contact Colina del Sol Pool staff (619)235-1147.
Activity Age Category
Swim Tiny Tots
Colina del Sol Pool - Main at Colina Del Sol Pool
Colina Del Sol Staff
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