Wow Science is proud to offer a Hands-on STEM Club in this academic year. We will offer Computer Science. Current Coding/ Virtual robotics students will continue to Level II or III (Based on the student's experience) New students will start with Level I. The students will explore both plugged and unplugged programming to reinforce the vocabulary and for comprehension purposes. Coding is the method of communicating with a computer. It is using a language that a computer understands to give a computer instructions in order to perform specific functions. Coding allows us to create things such as computer software, websites, apps, and video games. Students will learn different terminologies and apply those terms in their programming. Makerspaces provide hands-on, creative ways to encourage young learners to design, build, code and experiment, play and invent, and we have assembled many age-appropriate projects for our after-school participants. Wow Science is certified by the American Camp Association to provide out-of-school hands-on STEM programming to children. The after-school will be hosted on Mondays
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