10 Secrets for Budget-Friendly Family Camping

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You love camping, your kids love camping, but your wallet doesn't want to budge for a family vacation this year. Instead of missing out on a necessary break from the daily grind, find ways to save before you go, and learn how you can cut costs at the campsite, too.
Try Solar Lanterns
Before You Go
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Don't worry about buying a bulk box of batteries. Charge your lanterns in the sun during the day to keep them running all night.
Explore Free Recreation
At the Campsite
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You want to find a variety of activities to stay busy all day, especially when camping with children. Don't hop in the car and find the nearest water park. Rather, look for nature trails, the campground beach, or a group volleyball or basketball court.
Cover Your Wood Bundles
At the Campsite
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A surprise shower can ruin your wood for the rest of the trip. Don't risk spending money on more; simply cover the woodpile with a tarp. It's a simple budget camping tip that will save you money, time and frustration.
Keep Your Cooler in the Shade
At the Campsite
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On especially hot camping trips, a cooler in the sun means you'll spend more on ice than necessary. Always keep your cooler in the shade to get the most out of the ice you already have.

Plan your next family camping trip with the Moonlight App.
Buy Used Equipment
Before You Go
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Instead of purchasing all new camping gear the week before, take a little more time, and look for used items. Find used pots, pans, spatulas, hiking boots and more at most thrift stores or online. Check with your local outdoors retailer for their next gear swap, if they have one. And don't forget to ask family and friends for camping items they may no longer use.
Choose a Park Close By
Before You Go
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You don't have to go far to "get away." Save on gas by picking a location that's close to home. The benefits of a camping trip are just as real 30 miles from home as they are 300 miles from home.
Buy Multi-purpose Items
Before You Go
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Buy gear, clothing and food that can be used for more than one purpose. For example, ground turkey can be used for tacos, burgers, or mixed in with veggies and pasta.
Choose a Primitive Site
Before You Go
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Campgrounds without electricity and running water are often less expensive. But keep in mind that some primitive sites are walk-up only. If you're traveling with lots of gear or children, you should confirm easy access.
Create and Keep a Camping Box
Before You Go
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Instead of buying temporary items, purchase things that can be used for the entire season, or longer. When spices are on sale, grab a few for your camping box. The same goes for batteries, tarps, ropes and canned goods.
Use Items From Home
Before You Go
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When you're budget camping, use items you already have. Use a yoga mat, instead of buying expensive sleeping pads. Sleep under old comforters from home instead of buying new sleeping bags. Bring old pots, pans and spatulas that you have stashed in the back of your cupboards, instead of purchasing an entirely new kitchen set.
Try Solar Lanterns
Before You Go
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Don't worry about buying a bulk box of batteries. Charge your lanterns in the sun during the day to keep them running all night.
Explore Free Recreation
At the Campsite
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You want to find a variety of activities to stay busy all day, especially when camping with children. Don't hop in the car and find the nearest water park. Rather, look for nature trails, the campground beach, or a group volleyball or basketball court.
Cover Your Wood Bundles
At the Campsite
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A surprise shower can ruin your wood for the rest of the trip. Don't risk spending money on more; simply cover the woodpile with a tarp. It's a simple budget camping tip that will save you money, time and frustration.
Keep Your Cooler in the Shade
At the Campsite
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On especially hot camping trips, a cooler in the sun means you'll spend more on ice than necessary. Always keep your cooler in the shade to get the most out of the ice you already have.

Plan your next family camping trip with the Moonlight App.