5 Ways to Avoid Summer Learning Loss

Most kids can't wait for school to get out, but did you know that summer can be a critical time for their academic development?

Three months without any educational instruction can lead to a phenomenon called summer learning loss. Also known as the "summer slide" or "summer brain drain," it's a time when many students lose much of the information they were taught during the school year.

For example, during the summer months, most students lose about two months of grade-level equivalency in mathematical computation. Low-income students are especially at risk, losing not only critical math skills but also two to three months of reading comprehension.

As you can imagine, these losses have major consequences for your child's education. So what can you do to ensure they don't lose their hard-earned smarts over the summer months?

By taking an action-oriented approach to summer learning loss, you can keep your kid at the top of their game and ready to learn when the new school year starts.

About the Author

Jackie Veling

Jackie Veling is a past Senior Editor at ACTIVE.com. She’s passionate about overall wellness and body positivity, and her favorite way to stay active is through running. You can follow her on Twitter.

Jackie Veling is a past Senior Editor at ACTIVE.com. She’s passionate about overall wellness and body positivity, and her favorite way to stay active is through running. You can follow her on Twitter.

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