Drill of the Week: Soccer Passing Drill for Kids

Welcome to the first edition of Drill of the Week, a new series on ACTIVEkids.com that will explain individual and team drills for parents and coaches to help kids improve at the sports they love.

This week's drill is Seeing Double, a soccer passing exercise brought to you by TheDrillbook.com.


Seeing Double is a great coordination, ball-mastery, passing and receiving drill that involves a lot of team work between pairs. Players stand facing each other with one ball each and begin to exchange their ball with their partner's ball using the soles of their feet.

Progress the drill by placing a cone in between the players and having them pass one ball around the cone using two touches. Then challenge them by having them do the same but with two balls. Progress with different receiving and passing techniques. To add intensity and pressure to the drill, make it a competition between other pairs to see who can complete the most passes.

More: Which Sports Camp is Right for Your Child?

Key Teaching Points

Ball Mastery: Using light touches and all parts of the foot to keep the ball where you need it.

Passing: Accuracy, weight and timing of the pass so the receiver has the best chance to control and use the ball. Don't pass if your partner isn't ready to receive.

Receiving: Cushioned, soft touches. Using inside, outside and sole of the foot to receive the ball and place it where you need it to pass the ball.

Active logoFind soccer camps for your ACTIVEkids.

For a visual demonstration of the Seeing Double drill, watch the video below or click here

About the Author


TheDrillBook is a revolutionary new platform and mobile app that provides multiple sport player development via fun and engaging games/drills/activities for your child to master critical sports skills and tactics. Additionally as a Parent/Coach you will find robust content on how to teach each sport and valuable modules on nutrition, safety, equipment, leadership development and more. Complete Team Management/Communication, Scheduling and Practice Modules come into play when your child uses TheDrillBook as part of an organized sports team.
TheDrillBook is a revolutionary new platform and mobile app that provides multiple sport player development via fun and engaging games/drills/activities for your child to master critical sports skills and tactics. Additionally as a Parent/Coach you will find robust content on how to teach each sport and valuable modules on nutrition, safety, equipment, leadership development and more. Complete Team Management/Communication, Scheduling and Practice Modules come into play when your child uses TheDrillBook as part of an organized sports team.

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