The Anytime, Anywhere Workout For Busy Parents

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Being a parent means giving up the majority of your “me time” to your mini-me. While you can re-schedule those coffee dates with friends or press pause on that new Netflix special, fitness needs to be prioritized and squeezed in as many days of the week as possible.

Between sunrise and soccer practice there might only be a few free minutes left unscheduled, but with the right exercise regimen, you can bring your workout with you—anytime, anywhere.

Do these exercises in a circuit Tabata-style, meaning 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Doing the circuit Tabata-style decreases rest and idle time, making it easier to get more calories burned in less time. Try to work through the circuit as many times as you can and push yourself to complete more rounds each time you do it. Download the ACTIVEx app for more Tabata workouts.

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Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and sit back on your heels, engaging your core. Keep your heels firmly pressed against the floor. Press through your heels and squeeze your glutes to return to a standing position.
Mountain Climbers
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Start in plank position on your hands with your feet together. Quickly drive your knees to your chest one at a time and repeat until time expires. For more oblique action, bring your knee to your opposite arm instead of straight to your chest.
Stationary Lunges
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Start with your hands on your hips and step forward, bending at the knee so both your front and back legs are at 90 degrees. Return to a standing position and switch legs. If you have dumbbells, up the ante by holding one in each hand during the lunges.
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Start in plank position on your forearms, then elevate to your hands one at a time, keeping your hips balanced. Do a push-up then return to the starting plank position. Repeat.
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Start standing, then squat low to the ground and position your hands on the floor in front of you. Next, kick your feet back to a push-up position, complete one push-up, then immediately jump your feet back to the squat position. Leap up before squatting back down and repeating the process.
Superman Y-T-W
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Lay on the floor on your stomach, with your arms outstretched. Lift your legs up and keep your glutes tight while simultaneously moving your arms through the Y, T and W positions, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Then return to base and repeat.
Side Lunges
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Start in standing position, then take a big step to the side, bending at the knee and sitting back in a squat position, working your thighs and glutes. Return to base and repeat on the other side.
Flutter Kicks
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Lie on your back with your arms by your side, elevate your head until your shoulder blades are just off the floor. Lift your feet six inches off the ground. Alternate flutter kicks, keeping your upper-body elevated and tight.