*** WINTER 2025 *** Young children’s art is precious. Their drawings are simple, and contain familiar images such as rainbows, sunshine and faces. But why stop there? With Young Rembrandts classes, K - 2nd grade children learn the skills necessary to draw more complex images. As they learn to draw and follow directions, children discover the world around them and develop fundamental skills that prepare them as learners. Our nurturing and encouraging environment brings out the best in children. Students enrolled in Young Rembrandts’ classes also display an increase in these skills: - Ability to hold and use a pencil - Fine motor skills, handwriting readiness & attention span - Sharing and self-discipline - Patience, discipline and focus - Enroll your child for this fall's classes today! Instruction is targeted for K - 2nd grade students. Classes are held Mondays from 2:45-3:45pm. *** No classes on 01/20/2024 and 02/17/2024
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