Do you love animals and want to spend more time with them? At Franklin Park Zoo's ZooCamp you will be able to tap into your wild side and learn about animals while spending your days at the Zoo! Campers will explore the Zoo, finding out about animals from all over the world and even meet some up-close to learn more about some amazing animal adaptations! Zoo educators will lead campers through an adventurous week of learning about their favorite animals, engaging in hands-on activities, playing animal-related games, and making crafts. Whether you are already an animal expert or are interested in becoming one, this camp is for you! This is a full day session for ages 6-7. Tails and Tales (Sessions 2, 5, 8) - “Lions, Tigers, and Bears ... Oh My!” Whether it's books, TV, or movies, some of our favorite stories have animals in them. Campers will explore classic animal characters, discover new stories, and will even have the opportunity to write a story of their own. Paired with animal encounters and zoo walks, campers will learn how to be the main character of their own conservation story. This camp must comply with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and be licensed by the local board of health.
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