About This Activity
Sew Classy develops the dynamic life skill of sewing in a small group setting (maximum of 6). Fall, winter and spring sessions include machine threading and use, straight line sewing projects, introduction of curves in hats, mittens and slippers then mixing it all together with aprons, shirts, shorts and teddy bears. A two week holiday workshop offers space for students to create homemade gifts. Projects may be expanded based on time, interest and skill level. Private lessons available by appointment $60 per hour.
Please email the instructor Judy Christophersen at sewclassy@sbcglobal.net if you would like to rent a sewing machine or have questions about the materials needed.Please email the instructor if you would like to rent a sewing machine or have questions about the materials needed. Judy Christophersen, sewclassy@sbcglobal.net
Sew Classy at Sew Classy
Judy Christophersen
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