About This Activity
All skill level can take part in this popular league which emphasizes sportsmanship and skill development. Practice for the first week will be at your child's school after dismissal unless informed by coach or league coordinator. Specific practice times vary by location and are determined by each school's dismissal time and/or coach’s availability. Practice schedules for the entire season will be determined based on coach and facility availability. Your child's coach will verify the game schedule once all teams are finalized. Families that register prior to the league start date will receive an email update with league details the week before the league starts. League games will be held at Rusch Park @ 7801 Auburn Blvd. Citrus Heights CA. 95610.
Season Dates: 1/28 - 4/26
No practices or games from 4/14 - 4/20 (Spring Break)
If you have any questions or are interested in coaching, please email Renzo at rbozzalla@sunriseparks.com or call 916-725-8843. Email is the preferred method of contact. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response to all voicemails and emails.
Lichen K-8, 8319 Lichen Dr, 95621
Sunrise Sports Staff
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