PGAJL PLAYER SERIES Fall League LOCATION : The Lakes at El Segundo Rate: Topgolf $480.00 PGA Junior League : $110.00 Players must be able to play independently on the course without assistance. This series is designed to focus on competition and allow more golf course play. Teams will be assigned after the first week. Registration is two part. Once you have registered for this class, you will be contacted for payment. Once payment is received, you will be provided the registration code to sign up on the PGA Junior League website for the uniform. This is a one time fee for the year unless you would like to purchase another uniform during the year. PGA Junior League website available 1/7/25. Schedule: January 21 - Player Evaluation January 28- Practice and Team Assignments February 4- Match February 11 - Match February 18 - Match February 25 - Match March 4 -Match March 11 - Special Golf Tournament
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