About This Activity
Heighten your imagination through the use of clay and paint! This class will teach the fundamentals of painting in acrylic and watercolor as well as three-dimensional ceramic art including the construction of fun sculptures in addition to functional pottery like mugs and bowls! Garnet Valley Students may be bused to Darlington as part of our Afterschool Club!
Projects in Session 1 and 2 are unique. All materials are included. In accordance with GVSD policies, students may be bused directly from schools using Garnet Valley School District transportation for this class as part of our Arts After-School Club.
If Darlington is forced to close due to PA State Mandate, classes will continue online to ensure the continuity of arts enrichment.
Ceramics Studio at Darlington Arts Center
2024-2025 Annual Family Membership
or 2024-2025 Annual Membership Fee Prorated
or 2024-2025 Annual Family Membership
Teaching Artist
Elizabeth Kaplan
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