CREATIVE MOVEMENT DANCE CLASS Thursday 3:15- 4:15 Dates: 01/16/25 – 05/01/25 (No sessions on Holy Thursday and Spring Break) Jr. High, High School 1 & 2, LCE, WBL, MVP Instructor: Haylee Hearn Ms. Hearn is offering a creative dance class on Tuesdays after school for groups 3 and up. This class is centered around expressive body movement. The goal is to teach our students to express their unique personalities through dance exercise and healthy body movement. We will explore a variety of expressive movement from vinyasa yoga and hula hooping to rhythmic and modern dance styles. Many of our students’ personalities shine through dance expression. Students will feel free to move authentically and discover fitness styles that are unique to their individual needs. 14 Sessions $210 4 students min. – 10 students max.
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