Snag Golf
Apr 17 - May 08 (Thursday)
5:20 PM - 6:35 PM
Mercer Park Shelter #1 (Max.48/$48)
1st & 2nd Grade Snag Golf
Apr 17 - May 08 (Thursday)
5:20 PM - 5:50 PM
Mercer Park Shelter #1 (Max.48/$48)
3rd & 4th Grade Snag Golf
Apr 17 - May 08 (Thursday)
5:55 PM - 6:35 PM
Mercer Park Shelter #1 (Max.48/$48)
About This Activity
Your child looking to have some fun learning the game of golf. The Iowa City Parks and Recreation has modified the game by using oversized clubs and tennis balls for kids to learn the sport. The first 3 weeks participants will learn the basic strokes and rules. On the last day, kids will shoot 9-holes with a parent/guardian as the caddie.
Communication: All communication from the IC Parks & Rec will be done via email listed on child's activenet account. To update email address contact IC Parks & Rec Customer Service Attendants at 356-5100.Weather Cancellations: All cancellations will be posted daily at 8:30 am and 4 pm. Practices may be cancelled due to wet courts or extreme heat. Cancellations will be posted under "Rec Division Outdoor Special Events" Ext 40 on the IC Parks and Rec rainoutline, visit click on event cancellation located on the right side.Equipment: All equipment will be provided by the Iowa City Parks and Recreation.
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