About This Activity
This activity is closed to further registration.
Dancers continuing from Advanced Beginning Ballet, older students new to ballet, and students not yet ready for Ballet II/III. More ballet vocabulary and steps are introduced.
Lodi Ballet Program
Please note:
-Advance placement in any Ballet class is through instructor approval only.
-Ballet classes may be subject to cancellation due to low enrollment.
-Early registration is recommended as some classes fill up quickly.
-New students will not be accepted during performance month
-Only students enrolled in all of the last 3 sessions before a show will be guaranteed a role in the performance.
Girls: Black leotards, pink tights and pink leather ballet slippers. Hair up and back off of face and neck.
Boys: White t-shirts, white socks, black leather ballet slippers, black stretch pants or shorts.
Class Dates:
Thomas Theatre
Kermit Allen
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