About This Activity
This program is for individuals with developmental disabilities. Score a goal by being a part of Lodi's newly formed Adaptive Soccer program - SPARK Soccer (Special People and Remarkable Kids). Athletes will learn the fundamentals of soccer and teamwork while having fun! Adaptive soccer provides a fun, family-friendly environment which helps to build self-confidence and social skills while staying active. This 8 week program will be led by parents/volunteers who will work with athletes on the basics of soccer by utilizing fun drills and games. Each session will be 90 minutes with plenty of downtime for your athlete. Parents are REQUIRED to stay on site for the duration of the activity. The program is open to the first 24 athletes in 2 divisions, 5-8 years old and 9-12 years old. If your child likes to run and have fun - this may be the perfect session for them! The classes will be held at Villa Fiore Park which has restrooms on site. Please have your athlete wear appropriate soccer attire such as shorts, sweats and gym shoes or cleats. We do need volunteer coaches or parent helpers, so please help where you can. All equipment will be provided.
Registration will be taken until full or until closed by the Supervisor. Sign-up early during the designated registration period to ensure chance of enrollment.
COACHES ARE NEEDED. Please fill out the Volunteer Coach Interest Form and email it to kanderson@lodi.gov. All accepted Volunteer Coaches will be required to get fingerprinted and be cleared by the DOJ prior to coaching.
Volunteer coaches are needed to make this program successful. Lack of coaches could cause this program to be cancelled. Please help where you can!
Villa Fiore Park
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