About This Activity
Need Description
This fun integrated program is designed for youth of all abilities. Siblings and friends join with youth with a disability to make new friends and have fun. An active volunteer program rounds out the camp for a full diverse and accepting experience.
The only restriction for this outdoor camp is that the youth must be able to maintain appropriate safe behaviors and participate in outdoor group activities. A nurse will be available on site for medication administration and implementation of basic medical protocols. Contact Ryan Stewart at rpstew99@aacounty.org for additional information and to determine appropriate program placement.
Adaptive Day Camp: Special Needs/ Medical Accommodations. Adaptations are made to camp activities for youth with Educational IEPs or special needs/behavior plans, different learning styles, physical disabilities, and medical protocols. Ages 6-21, Staff Ratio 1:3 with additional support as needed.
Siblings and Friends: An integrated camp opportunity for school age youth to participate in camp activities, learn diversity, and make friends with youth of all abilities. Campers will be placed in an appropriate group with the opportunity to interact with peers of a diverse population. Ages 6-13, Staff Ratio 1:10.
Age Category
Shipley's Choice ES - Gymnasium at Shipley's Choice ES
Ebony Shurger
Erika Goodfellow
Lindsay Shaner
Laura Snow
Kim Emig
Ashley Bisesi
Alex Smith
Regina Passalacqua
Crystal Webb
Cherdise Foy
Michelle Semanoff
Carol McClure
Francesca Biagini
Shanita Wilkins
Lauren Lowell
Heather Harris
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