About This Activity
This activity has been cancelled.
Calling all future web designers! Have you ever wondered how your favorite websites are built? In this course, you'll unlock web design secrets by learning HTML and CSS, the building blocks of every website. You'll work on fun and engaging projects to create your websites throughout the course. Showcase your hobbies and interests, or even build a website for your pet! Develop valuable skills. Coding is a powerful skill that can open doors to exciting technological careers. Learn problem-solving, creativity, and critical thinking, all essential for success today. Make the web a cooler place! With your newfound knowledge, you can contribute to the amazing World Wide Web by designing informative, user-friendly, and visually stunning websites.Please Note: - A non-refundable material fee of $60 is due to the instructor at the first class meeting.- Participants should bring a laptop, mac book, or chrome book. - No class held on 3/8, 4/12, and 4/19.
Activity Other Category
Milpitas Community Center, 457 E. Calaveras Blvd., Milpitas.
Progressive Kids
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