Schedule Notes: There will be no programming July 4th-6th. There will be half-day programming on Saturday (28th) and Sunday (29th) from 1:00-5:00pm. This camp is designed for students interested in high school policy debate and is for all levels of experience. A two-on-two debate that focuses on a policy question for the duration of the academic year, this format tests a student’s research, analytical, and delivery skills. The Comprehensive Session provides our most in-depth instruction in policy debate, where students will spend 15 days honing their debate skills using the upcoming national debate topic. Preparation sessions include a combination of discussions about debate theory and strategy, topic lectures, mini-debates, speaking exercises, staff-direct research sessions, and practice debates. Both experienced and novice debaters will sharpen their critical thinking, organization, research, and speaking skills. All students will have the opportunity to engage in at least 14 full debates, including participating in our camp tournament. Students will be placed in learning labs based on previous debate experience (all levels are welcome from beginner to intermediate and advanced.) Camp director is Dr. David Cram Helwich, Director of Forensics at the University of Minnesota. Instructors will include teachers and coaches of policy debate. Lunch is included with tuition.
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