Calling all creatives; builders, artists, scientists, inventors and explorers - Come think big, tinker, play, experiment and create in this uniquely curated class for students to explore, exercise and expand their creativity, curiosity and imaginations. Students will engage in a balance of collaborative and independent projects and interdisciplinary, open-ended experiences and invitations to team-build, innovate, create, experiment, tinker, construct and deconstruct and meaningfully PLAY! This class will foster creative and innovative thinking skills, nurture curious and creative thinkers and tinkers, promote problem solving techniques, offer collaborative learning opportunities for socialization, foster the development of leadership and 21st century thinking skills and allot a designated time to allow kids to be kids. Designed to ignite a child's imagination and provide meaningful, experiential and play based opportunities for students to express their creativity and curiosity, fostering a lifelong love of learning. Come get curious, co-create and let your imaginations go absolutely wild! Instructor: Val Smith
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