Middle School Students will rehearse for three weeks with the Summer Theatre's professional staff and creative team. They present a performance of Disney's The Little Mermaid on our season main stage and set. Students will have the opportunity to rehearse on and utilize the set of the main stage production of The Little Mermaid presented by the Summer Theatre of New Canaan on the third week of the program. This offers an exciting professional experience for all in the Junior Company program. Junior Company Performances wll be held on July 25 3:00pm All students who register will perform, be in the company and have a full theatrical experience. Auditions will be scheduled for the staff to get to know the student's abilities and comfort for consideration in assigning roles during the first two days of the program. Please be prepared to sing one song and dress for movement and dance. Rehearsals will be held at the Performing Arts Conservatory of New Canaan. 70 Pine Street, New Canaan CT. On the first day, please bring a resume (or brief summary) of the student's experience (it is ok if this is their first opportunity) Also bring a recent photo of the student for us to keep in addition to the photo you may upload in the online registration. (Can be the same, printed out)
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