Two Wheelers Club is for kids who want to learn to ride, improve on their fundamentals, or gain the confidence and stamina needed for adventure riding. The emphasis of TWC is obtaining the balance and coordination needed to ride on two wheels, mastering starting, stopping, and controlled forward movement, and gaining confidence in riding skills before tackling the more challenging rides of Lil’ Cruisers or Camp Cruisin’. Once each session Two Wheeler’s Club will swim at Rinconada Pool, and make a trip to the Palo Alto Jr. Museum and Zoo! Two-Wheeler’s Club is a full-day camp: Monday – Friday 8:30AM – 4:00PM, with optional aftercare from 4PM – 5:30PM (available at an additional cost). This camp is open to riders Level 1 – 2, ages 5 – 8. Bike Requirement: Properly fitting two-wheel pedal bike with either coaster or hand brake. Child must be able to easily touch their feet to the ground while seated. Once kids have successfully completed Two Wheelers Club they may continue their bicycling adventures by attending Lil’ Cruisers or Adventure Riding Camp. When registering children age 6 to 8 in Two Wheelers, you may also register for later LC or ARC weeks; however, Wheel Kids reserves the right to hold a child in Two Wheelers Club if his/her skills are not sufficient for LC or ARC activities. Children age 5 are only eligible for our Two-Wheeler and Lil’ Cruiser programs.
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