About This Activity
Want your children to stay active after school? Do they need assistance with their homework? Do you need childcare while you are working? Well, the Achieve After school Program is your answer. All Achieve afterschool programs have different daily schedules, but all focus on the same targets, which are assisting with homework, art/crafts, engage with other children, organized group games, explore new things, and much more! For more information please call (510) 620-6813 Please note City of Richmond does not transport children from school to May Valley Community Center. No program on the following dates due to City Holidays and School Breaks: 09/02/2024- Labor Day 09/09/2024- Admission Day 10/14/2024- Indigenous Peoples Day 11/11/2024- Veterans' Day 11/25-11/29/24- Thanksgiving Break 12/23-24-01/03/2025- Winter Recess
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