About This Activity
Ages are as of May 1 of the current year. Teams are formed based on age and school districts (If the child is home schooled, at private school or in middle/high school their district is based on where they would go to elementary school) . Coaches will meet Mid-March to receive rosters/equipment and choose practice times. Practices will begin in late March. Games will begin in Mid-April. The game schedule is 8 weeks long with 2 weeks reserved at the end for make up games if needed. Games for this league will be played at Waid Park and Rec Park.
If players wish to move up to the next league early, they can do so if they are within one year of being in that league and have parents permission. If you wish to move your child up to the next age group, register the child in the age group they belong in, then make the request in the space provided.
Registration fees are refundable until March 3, 2024. Late Registration Fees are non-refundable.
Waid Park
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