In Level 3 class, students will learn the intermediate to advanced concepts including String Buffer, String Builder, Recursion, Inheritance, Superclass, Abstract Superclass, Interface & Polymorphism, File I/O, Exceptional Handling, and Advanced System Design concepts. Each class will include hands-on activities and student will work on the project based on the topics covered in the class. This class is designed for covering java concepts starting from fundamentals going all the way to advanced concepts. This class covers all the topics of AP Java (including object-oriented programming concepts). This class will also be helpful for students planning to take Java courses in college or planning to go into computer science related fields. ** Java is one of the most popular, relevant and in-demand programming language today. Java is used in a wide range of applications ranging from Mobile App development & 3D imaging to all the way to business/academic/internet applications. Java is a platform independent language and can be used to write programs for Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and even for Mobile Devices.
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