Our summer starts with Lead Week, a special camp geared towards high school aged youth interested in gaining leadership skills and volunteering at Camp throughout the summer. You get the classic activity-packed Maskepetoon experience and special volunteer training sessions that provide participants with the knowledge they need to come back for future weeks of the summer in a volunteer capacity. This is a great opportunity to gain skills for future employment, valuable experience for resumes and scholarship applications, and to make a real difference for our campers. It can also lead to future employment at this camp or at other places geared at working with children and teens. Whether you’re a longtime camper who has been dreaming of the day they can volunteer, a newcomer looking for a unique volunteering experience, or anywhere in between, this is the camp for you! Please note: Attendance at Lead Week is mandatory in order to volunteer. Part of Lead Week training includes a kitchen orientation as all volunteers may need to help with kitchen duties including dishwashing and basic meal preparation and service. Decisions about volunteer assignments will be made based on camp needs, volunteer availability, and experience. Generally, volunteers can expect to be given up to two, week-long assignments. There may be opportunities for additional volunteer weeks. Decisions about volunteer scheduling will be made at Lead Week. Volunteer spots may be limited each week if mandatory capacity restrictions are in place.
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