This school-year long course is part of our ongoing multi-year curriculum, and was created for students who love to draw, paint and sculpt! Over the school year and through our program, students are introduced to fine art skills, material handling, art history, cultural projects, problem-solving skills, and art appreciation...but most of all the exciting process of making art! Tuition includes all fine art materials, clay firings, small group instruction. Please note: there is a FALL-session only option, so if you do not plan to hold a spot for your student for the whole year (and just want to register for the fall session), please go back and choose the FALL Session ONLY reigstration option for MITCH. If you choose to cancel the school-year long registration after classes have started, you are eligible for a partial refund for upcoming classes, minus a $30, $60 or $90 cancellation fee based on your cancellation date. $90 cancellation fee if you cancel your school-year long registration by 10/1/24. $60 cancellation fee if you cancel your school-year long registration by 12/15/24. $30 cancellation fee if you cancel your school-year long registration after 3/31/25. Please read the registration, refund and cancellation policies on our website for more details. Please contact us if you're in need of temporary financial assistance.
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