About This Activity
THERE WILL BE NO TUMBLING MARCH 11TH.Class Schedule: Feb 25th, Mar 4th, 18th, 25th, Apr 1st, 8th
ADVANCED BEGINNERS: This class is for gymnasts who have completed the basic moves of the beginner’s class. In addition, the following skills will be introduced.FLOOR: cartwheel, handstand, round off with rebound, arch up with good body position, arch up kickover and at least one side split.BARS: skills would include cast off the bar with control, cast back hip circle, front hip circle with spot, and cast on under-swing dismount.BEAM: beam skills will now be completed on the medium/high beam with the addition of a cartwheel on the low beam and a round off dismount off high beam.VAULT: board correctly with two feet, fly with straight body and complete handspring vault to back on mats.
Classes are held at the Vermillion High School Gymnastics Room
Class descriptions are to assist you in finding the appropriate class for your gymnast. It is by no means a definite description of where your gymnast needs to be placed when enrolling. Other factors should be addressed specific to your gymnast. If you have questions, please call the Parks and Recreation department at 605-677-7064 for additional help. Gymnasts do NOT have to demonstrate mastery of ALL the skills listed for their class, but they should be able to complete many of the skills in the previous class without assistance.
Here are the rules and regulations for tumbling.1. No jewelry (small earrings are okay) shall be worn during a gymnastics class.2. Gymnasts should dress appropriately- No jeans or jean shorts (shirt and shorts are fine).3. No wet swim suits.
Age Category
Enter through south glass doors of Vermillion High School
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