Formerly known as The Advanced Tennis Academy (ATA), the High School Prep program is designed for tournament and/or high school players who are committed to an intense daily training schedule incorporating on court fitness, drills, singles and doubles tactics and strategy, and competitive match play. Acceptance into the program must be approved by the camp director. Court time is 11:30am-4:00pm Monday-Friday. Lunch is 1:00pm-2:00pm. Campers should be at least 12 years old and have completed sixth grade. Inclement Weather Procedure & Make-up Policy: • In the case of definite rain, we will cancel camp prior to the start of the day. All updates will be communicated via email and text. • In the case of unexpected rain during camp, we will use our clubhouse as temporary shelter. If the weather forecast shows passing showers, we will dry the courts as quickly as possible and prepare to play when the courts are safe again. • If the forecast shows continued inclement weather, we will cancel camp and notify parents to arrange pick-up. • Entire camp days canceled due to inclement weather will be awarded up to two make-up sessions during a different session. Please confirm make-up dates with our camp director and she will do her best to accommodate. • Make-ups are not offered for personal absences and we do not provide credits or refunds due to non-attendance.
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