About This Activity
Soccer Shots is a national program teaching children the beautiful game of soccer. Coaches provide developmentally appropriate curriculum that emphasizes creative play, enjoyment of sport, and character building lessons.
Using creative and imaginative games, weekly sessions focus on basic soccer skills like dribbling, passing, and shooting. We also highlight a positive character trait each session such as respect, teamwork, and appreciation. Soccer Shots will expose your child to the fun of soccer and provide the foundation needed to get started in the sport.
The City of Wilsonville strives to make programming options available to all of our citizens. If you require special accommodations to participate, please call 503-783-7529 or email parksandrec@ci.wilsonville.or.us. The City will try to make reasonable accommodations to assist you. Please contact us two weeks prior to the start of the program so we can evaluate your request.
Palermo Park at Palermo Park
Soccer Shots
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