Another W-Ball season is about to begin! W-Ball is sponsored by the Woodside Recreation Committee and is for kids between the ages 3-6 (through Kindergarten only) who want to learn to play T-Ball in a fun and safe environment. Participants do NOT need to live in Woodside. Every week, the kids will be learning the basic skills of T-ball, being part of a team, and having fun! No scoring, everyone hits, and everyone plays the field. W-Ball is an all-volunteer league – please sign up to help coach/support your child’s team. It’s easy, fun, requires no prior experience and makes a lasting impression on your child — W-Ball is a wonderful Woodside tradition! We cannot guarantee teams if we don’t have coaches. We strive for 2-3 coaches (parent volunteers) per team, so encourage your friends to volunteer as well! The 2025 season will run from March 15th through May 10th (6 games total; no games on Spring Break weekend: April 5th and 12th and no game on May 3rd for May Day festivities) with games being played on Saturdays from 11 am to noon at the Woodside Elementary School, Kindergarten Field (south end of campus). Cost is $75 per player (includes a baseball hat & jersey). The fee will be used to cover T-shirts, hats, equipment, insurance through the Woodside Recreation Committee, field use, and an end of the season party. The registration deadline is Sunday, February 23, 2025. Late sign-ups will be allowed on a space-available basis but are not guaranteed a team uniform. If you have any questions, please contact Zack Simkover at 858-736-5385 or at
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