About This Activity
The last day for Internet Registration was Jan 14, 2025 12:01 PM.
Ages 4-6 years without an adult. Imagine Dance is an introduction to modern dance, improvisation, and individual creativity in the CAB dance studio. Dancers learn to move their bodies in different ways as Lesley interweaves dance, music, literature, and art for a holistic experience of the dance world. Class includes warm up, floor work, locomotor, choreography, and improvisation. A studio performance celebrates the end of the session. Lesley holds degrees in Children's Dance and English Literature and has many years of experience teaching dance and the creative arts in Ann Arbor. Instructor: Lesley Criscenti. 9 classes. 100% scholarship recipients pay $10.Online registration for this class will close 2 business days before class begins. After this date, call to register: 734 994 2300 x53186 Monday - Friday between 9am and 2pm.
Families with a current Rec & Ed scholarship who need assistance, please call 734 994 2300 X 0.
Dance Studio Eberbach Cultural Arts Bldg (CAB)
Lesley Criscenti
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