About This Activity
4-6 years old without and adult (but adult stays on site). Little Ninjas teaches introductory martial arts skills to young children. The class is catered to the abilities and attention span of this age group. Children will learn discipline, self-control, respect for teachers, parents and classmates, physical fitness and coordination, balance, memory and focus. Learning is done through fun games and activities, and experienced, professional martial arts instructors keep the children moving and engaged. Each child will complete the introductory curriculum of Little Ninjas and receive their first Ninja belt (no additional fee). A responsible adult must remain in attendance for this half-hour class. Instructor: PKSA Karate Staff. 6 classes. No class 2/14.
Online registration for this class will close 2 business days before class begins. After this date, call to register: 734 994 2300 x53186 Monday - Friday between 9am and 4pm.
Families with a current Rec & Ed scholarship who need assistance, please call 734 994 2300 X 0.
PKSA Karate Ann Arbor North at PKSA Karate Ann Arbor North
PKSA Karate AA Staff
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