Explore Architecture: Design & Build a Minecraft Skyblock! A test of survival! SkyBlock is one of the most popular Minecraft maps ever created. The concept behind the game is simple; spawn on a floating island in the sky and use what’s at hand to survive! Join us as we explore the notion of limited resources, the current sand shortage and the story of cubism in architecture to create a unique hand-built version of our own Skyblock. This is a maker-based class using crafting materials; no electronics are used. How Does Camp Work? Register for a half day ($300/wk, morning only) or full day (choose the “Full Day Option” on the registration checkout page for $230/wk): Half Day Option: We will concentrate our architecture presentation, discussion and main project building in the morning between 9-12:30. Full Day Option: Campers who choose to stay the whole day will enjoy games, outside play, short videos and drawing/craft opportunities that align with our theme for the week. More details will be announced closer to the start of camp.
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