About This Activity
Internet Registration has not begun yet. Check Registration Dates in details.
Please be sure to take/download a League Welcome Letter at your time of registration.
The Fire Starters Staff will conduct an instructional outdoor soccer program focusing on the basic skills for the beginning and novice youth players, ages 4 years through 6th grade. This program will consist of a weekday training session and games on Saturdays. The training curriculum will be age appropriately designed to create a fun and exciting environment for maximum participation for each player. As always, volunteer parent coaches are required to ensure the successful operation of this program. Each player will receive a jersey to wear for games. All players are required to wear shin guards and to bring a soccer ball and water to all training sessions and games.
Registration Deadline: February 24 or until filled. A $15 late fee will be added if registered after February 24 (based on availability). No refunds after registration deadline.
Volunteer Coaches Meeting: Tuesday, March 18 at 6:30 pm at the Founders Community Center.
*Your child will play 1 game scheduled anytime between 9am-12pm on Saturdays. Game schedules will be released on or before the first practice. Please note: Due to a scheduled event at Commissioner's Park on Saturday May 3, game times will start after 1:00pm for this weekend only
Registration for the Fire starters Soccer League is available online and in person at the Founders Community Center. Due to the amount of friend and/or team requests received each season, we will not be honoring these requests. For additional questions, please contact the Frankfort Park District at 815-469-9400.
Team Sideline
The Frankfort Park District uses TeamSideline to manage the Youth Soccer League teams. This means each Frankfort Park District Youth Soccer Team has its own TeamSideline Team Site and each Team Site will include the Coach information and roster of players. Dates, times, and locations for practices and games are also added as soon as they are available to be published. Please be sure to add no-reply@teamsideline.com to your approved senders list on your email to avoid communication issues.
Volunteer Coaches
Volunteer parent coaches are required to ensure the successful operation of this program. If interested in volunteering, please fill out the volunteer coach’s registration online at http://www.teamsideline.com/sites/frankfort/home. The volunteer coaches meeting will be held on March 18 at 6:30pm at the Founders Community Center.
General Information
Fire Starters Developmental Soccer League will focus on the growth and development of basic skills with emphasis on FUN! Please remember that while the children are competing that this is a recreational league where the score and standings are not recorded.
4th - 6th
Commissioners Park Soccer Field 4 at Commissioners Park
Fire Starters Soccer
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